I have always wanted to do that, especially on a very chill, stress-free getaway. I guess I enjoy having my alone time, and what better way to enjoy but to go on a short getaway with yourself?
A little backstory.
For new year's day this year, I took a trip to Langkawi with two of my closest friends, Ming Han and Zhong Yew. We had loads of fun there and I fell in love with that place. I love, love, love the beach, the sun and the sea. Another thing I love about Langkawi is that it is a very "vacation mode" place, so it seems everyone there is relaxed and happy. The vibe is wonderful.
During that trip, because we were trying to be adventurous, we spend a lot of time driving around exploring different places, doing different things. Because of that, I did not get to have a good amount of time spent laying on the beach getting myself a golden tan and enjoying the sun and sea. Basically I did not have enough "nua" time just relaxing.

I was missing Pantai Cenang since I came back, so I decided to take a solo trip there after my final semester in Uni. So i just went on and booked my tickets, and was on my way to Langkawi again two weeks after I ended my studies.
For this trip, I only wanted to do one thing. Stay in Pantai Cenang and just chill at the beach, nothing else. I stayed at the same chalet I stayed when I was with the guys the last time, to save the hassle of finding another place which I was not sure of.
Disclaimer : My solo trip is not about being brave and adventurous, as you can see, I chose to go back to a place I know, stayed at the same hotel, and just be around the beach. It was more of a relaxing trip to reward myself of 4 years of studying and to reflect on life. Oh and to get a great tan. I will never stop being vain, so #sorrynotsorry (I totally did this to annoy you. Are you annoyed? Good. )
Okay back to my trip. I have a very high tendency of getting off track.
I was so blessed with the hospitality that my chalet, which is called "MY Rainforest Chalet" (not an advert I swear). They provided me with free transport to and fro from the airport back to the chalet. So I did not have to worry or even spend extra on transportation.
Other than meal times, and afternoons from about 12-3pm where it was scorching hot and inhumane to stay out in the sun, my time was spent at the beach. Lying on the beach reading my book or just chilling, and after it gets a little hot, I will go for a walk along the beach, feeling the sea water on my feet, or even going for a swim at the shallow end. When it is hot, I would go back to my room, take a good shower and lie in my king-sized bed reading. It is indeed the good life.
To be honest, I am a little afraid of the sea. Especially when it comes to going into the water. This is because I have seen jellyfishes at this beach, and also because the waves are pretty strong and it can get scary sometimes.
But I made up my mind to truly enjoy it, so I just force myself to walked into the water till it reached my chest height and just enjoy the waves crashing. It is actually a very free and exhilarating feeling to let the waves crash on you.
Oh another great thing about a solo trip, is that you are literally all alone, enjoying. So nobody to judge you. I was laughing and giggling all on my own each time the strong waves crashed over me. Amazing experience for someone who is always afraid of what people think. Because everyone else don't matter, but you and yourself.
This trip kept me in an extremely good mood throughout. I was very happy and relaxed, I forgot about social anxiety, and even when silly little things happen, it does not bother me. I was just in this very calm state which I rarely am (if you know me well you know I am not usually cool and calm).
The funniest thing that happened was on the last morning I was there, the waves decided to be extra temperamental, and I was just lying on the beach reading, suddenly the waves crashed all over my blanket and nearly wash away all my things. I remember cursing loudly and saving all my belongings, especially my book which became soaking wet. I was pissed for like a minute, then I started to laugh at how ridiculous the whole situation was.
I even came up with a life quote in relations to that, "life is never predictable. You just have to embrace it, even when sh*t happens." Ha! What a memorable way to end my trip indeed.
Throughout this trip, I learned to enjoy myself on my own, to literally drop everything and just do nothing but enjoy. Oh and I even got a chance to know a new friend at the beach. Her name is Margaux and she is from France. We had dinner together and enjoyed a few sessions of beach time together. I am usually very socially awkward, but something about the way the trip makes me feel, the vibe I am in, I forget all my anxiety and fear of what people think, and I am just extra friendly to everyone. We had a pretty good time bonding and we even hanged out when she came to Penang after a few days.
People used to ask me, "what would you do there? There is nothing to do there, especially if you go alone!" But that is the whole point. The reason I love it there. There is indeed nothing to do but to enjoy the sun, the sea, the sand, and the great company of myself.
Being on a solo trip at Langkawi brought me away from everything. Not only work, but also from my awkwardness. I mean I never dared to wear a bikini in public before, afraid of people laughing at my chubby areas and judging me. But because of my huge need of a more even tan, and also the liberating feeling I get each time I am there, I was in my bikini every time I am at the beach.
It is crazy awesome, this trip. I felt so comfortable in my own skin, in my own company, and really experienced a good ol' holiday 100% the way I wanted to without having to compromise. I was my own freaking VVIP.
I am not saying that I will not go on trips with my family or friends again, in fact I do enjoy them too.
What I am saying is that a solo trip to somewhere like this, a little personal getaway, does a person a whole lot of good.

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