Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Tips on how to get your college/university days on track.

I am going to admit it. I have always been a fan of chick flicks. The problem with chick flicks are, (other than the fact that they are way too girly and frivolous for our own good) they often paint a picture of a very happening college life. Parties, crazy drinking nights, road trips, hooking up with the hottest senior etc etc.

But when I entered university, I realized that that was not the case. Sure, there are the cool kids out there who live by YOLO and go all out when it comes to hardcore partying. But if you plan to take this transition as a training ground to get your sh*t together and prepare yourself for the real world, there are a few things you need to get kick started on. 

1. Plan your schedule, and stick to it.
Stop telling yourself "I've got it" and end up slacking and watching yet another episode of 2 Broke Girls when you have an assignment due the next day. Physically writing down your To-Do list can make a lot of difference in your life. You can plan out your entire week on Sunday nights, or plan daily work tasks first thing in the morning, whichever works for you. As long as you actually do it. Write out your goals of the week/day and the things you need to get done. Prioritize your tasks based on deadlines and importance. Writing it down makes you stay focused, and the sense of accomplishment when you cross them all out at the end of the day, totally rewarding. 
2. Keep your "room game" strong. 

If you are studying away from home, you will have to move to a new place. Be it a tiny dorm room, or a large rented apartment, make it your own personal space. Organize your things to fit your needs, decorate it in any way you like, personalize it with your posters and artwork. Do it your way, and let your style shine through.  Keep it tidy and comfy. Be it a place to chill or cramming for your crazy deadlines, your room is going to be your own hideaway. Having a cozy room to come home to after a stressful day of classes can be really therapeutic.

3. Keep track of your finances. 

Yes, being more grown up also mean boring responsibilities like your finances. Take note on where your spending are going, and analyze them at the end of the month. Perhaps it gives you an idea that you should stop impulse online shopping on clothes that don't really fit, and spend it on healthy meals. Try saving up for something that can be used for long term purposes, like a good textbook, a gym membership or even an Ipad mini (Promise yourself it is for reading journals and not for scrolling through social networks).  

4. TRY to have a healthier lifestyle.

Trust me, we have all been there, when all you want to do at the end of the day is stuff your face with a large bag of chips, slumped in bed watching sitcoms. One of the thing we often neglect during college, is our own health. Sleeping late at night to rush through assignments, waking up at noon on weekends, eating at weird times, and not to forget processed food straight out from the can. Try, at least try, to incorporate a healthy lifestyle. Wake up before 10am, cook REAL food and not instant noodles, get your daily dose of workout, and replace sodas with H2O. Your body will thank you. Besides, having a fit and toned body is definitely a bonus. 

My own version of Bibimbap! 

Ham sandwich is always an easy choice

5. Don't slack on your appearance. 

I know, I know. This sounds pretentious and unimportant. People always say, your inner beauty is more important than your external one. Screw that. Why not have both instead? Your physical appearance gives a pretty (literally) important impression. Sure, there are days when you just want to get comfortable in sweat pants and hoodies, but take some days to dress up in something that makes you look and feel good. Seriously girls, don't be afraid to put on some eyeliner and red lipstick to take on the world. 

6. Learn new skills. 

Whether it is learning how to cook, preparing your own meals, or learning a foreign language you have always been interested in, DO IT! Do not wait till you start working and being a slave to all sorts of bills, take this time to learn new things you always wanted to. No matter how "useless" it may seem to others, keep in mind that having an extra skill or knowledge is always good. Do not be afraid to try new things, you have nothing to lose after all. 

Did simple floral arrangement for mass

7. Focus on yourself. 

It's about time you invested your time and energy on yourself. Learn to be independent, take control of your own life. Don't live your life based on the manual of society's norm or even according to anybody else. Enjoy your own company and be your own best friend. Learn what you like and what you dislike, what you are good at, and take time to understand yourself better. This is the time you learn more about yourself, and work towards your own set of passions and goals. Trust your own gut, and create your own empire.

8. Filter out your real friends. 

Sure, this is the time where you get to meet loads of new people, and you will have a great opportunity mingling with interesting individuals. However, learn to set boundaries and distant yourself from "friends" that constantly bring you down, or constantly gives off negative vibes. Keep in mind those friends that have stuck by you throughout. Those that are your safety nets, supporting you through thick and thin. Know who they are and keep them close. These are the friends that you will need to keep in your life.

9. Balance is key. 

It is important to learn to be a grown up, while taking measures to get your life together. However, do not forget that despite everything, you are still young. The world is your oyster (as cliche as it sounds). Do not be afraid to live. Take risks, make mistakes, go the extra mile, love with all your heart (even if it means it will get broken a few times), and have the time of your life.  



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