Friday, October 23, 2015

Confessions - Intense.

As the namesake of my blog, I would love to share some confessions with this little space I own on the world wide web, just because.

I have always been one of those people, who can be very extreme, especially when it comes to emotionally-driven things. Besides the mature, logical, rational thoughts I try to keep on track, what the heart decides is always on either side of the spectrum (Thankfully, it is usually the good things I feel much more intense about).

My mind, can often think of things in the grey area, seeing things in their many layers and trying to understand them from different perspectives. But there are certain things, that my mind does not have the ability to have a say (a thought? I mean, how can the mind have a "say" when it can't talk? anyway, you get me ) in. There comes certain things, certain time where my whole perspective is clouded, and decides to love or hate certain things "just because". The closest way I can explain this is, it's something like when you like a color, and people ask you why, and you are like, "no reason. I just like it."

I guess everyone has this special compartment in their lives where their emotions get way ahead of the rational mind. I have them too, and mine is pretty much intense.

I am that kind of person, where I may come off too strong, when it comes to all these "touchy feely" stuff. I have never been good at keeping overwhelming feelings and emotions to myself. It's a blessing and a curse at the same time, really. I find it very difficult to keep these overflowing intense emotions to myself, and feel a need to let someone know. Whether is talking about a great book I just read, or telling a friend how much I am thankful to have them around.

I often get annoyed at myself, because sometimes, this whole intense thing, makes me overthink way too much for my own good. Late nights in bed with the lights off, a bit too much of caffeine, a very slight amount of alcohol, and my intensity for all these emotions doubles up. It's bad enough that it's intense, it gets worse when there comes those catalysts.

I keep telling myself, to stop being so intense, because this intensity scares most people away. Sometimes when I go on and on and on and on about something I am intrigued about, people look at me as if I am out of my mind. Sometimes when I overthink stuff, I send random lengthy texts to the people around me, and when I say lengthy, I really mean lengthy, and usually always it is followed by a "Oh shit what have I done?" from my end, and a reply somewhere along the lines of  "OMG WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!".

So sometimes I try my best, with all my might to change that about me. To learn to shut up when I am overwhelmed. Sometimes I have to turn to writing it all out in order to keep myself sane. But then again, is it really bad to be intense? Yeah sure, it's much better to learn to keep things in an equilibrium, to be a little bit more balanced when it comes to emotions, especially negative ones.

But what about the good ones? If I miss a friend, even if we haven't talk since a long time because we fought, does it mean I can't randomly start a conversation with them? If I think someone is really attractive, just because it is weird and creepy according to society's stupid norms, does it mean I can't let them know? If I like you, do I have to pretend I don't really like you just so I can appear to be more "valuable"? Just because I like you too, does it mean I worth a lil less? I guess not.

Perhaps there are many people who might not be used to this kind of intensity, but then again, that is who I am, and I can't really change that. I like to do random things, crazy things to some, irrational things according to my much more rational friends, just to convey my message.

I would love to be that mysterious girl who seems so complicated that you can't figure out what is going on in her head. But I can't be that person, no matter how hard I try to change. I say things straight. If I don't like something, I say it. I say it because that is what I think (Of course, it is super important to not hurt the people around you by doing so). If I like something, I say it. It may be responded negatively, but then again, I say it sincerely, and I don't say it to get something nice in return, I say it because I feel strongly about it, and thought that the person should know.

Because I am tired of trying to mold myself into something that I am not. I am straight forward, and I like expressing my feelings. I am tired of trying to be the kind of girl society dictates I should be. I do apologize if my intensity scares you, but I guess that is who I am, really and truly. Not saying this will never change over time, but for now, I guess it is time to embrace that little part of who I am.

And to those of you who share the same level of intensity, do not diminish it. Learn to embrace it. Even if many people do not understand it. Because it is utterly beautiful to be able to feel things so intensely.

With much Love,

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