Sunday, August 16, 2015

#TalkativeThoughts - "You just know".

#TalkativeThoughts : A segment where I write and write and write about my thoughts running through my mind, sometimes a little disorganized (perhaps most of the time). The chitter chatter of my thoughts expressed through the tapping of my keyboard. In short, a wordy post.  

Have you ever felt trapped in a situation? Be it doing a job you really dread, in a relationship where you seem to be anxious and worried, instead of head over heels happy, a friendship where you are the only one putting in effort to stay in touch, or being in a place you feel like you don't belong?

I have. Loads of time.

Sometimes it's difficult to express these thoughts, because what other people see is how good your pay is, how perfect your relationship seems, and how you are just being negative or sensitive, and making a big deal out of things.

But somehow, you know something is not right, deep down in your guts, you just know.

"You just know". 

This phrase seems so abstract, I mean, how do you even know?! "Well, you just know" seems to be the best explanation. But I am not saying that it's not scary, when you just know, and yet you cannot seem to find a reason or explanation for this feeling, but just a plain six sense in you knowing it. But then comes your very logical and rational mind asking yourself, are you sure? are you being impulsive? are you overthinking things?

It's not easy to walk away from something that seems to be good, or at least not thaaat bad, just because "you just know". It's weird, it's uncertain, it's a crazy decision.

But then again, that dreadful feeling of waking up to that job, that heart wrenching moment when you get into yet another fight about the same thing, that uncomfortable feeling of being in a certain place... Is that all worth it? Just because it is something you can live with, does it mean it is something you should continue living with?

How do you even know a decision you are about to make is correct? What if it leaves you feeling worse, leave you with nothing, regretting a decision you made based on a simple gut feeling? Then what?

Sometimes, I sure wish life came with a manual, telling you what are the correct steps, study hard in psychology, be a counselor, marry that guy you met at the library named Ted, then add in the flour and eggs, then beat it until it is fluffy, put it into the oven till it turns golden brown or something like that.

But no, it does not. But then again, despite the uncertainties, isn't it a great feeling, to make a few wrong turns in life, and yet, find yourself along the way, find happiness and realize where you are is where you really want to be, all on your own?

If you ever feel trapped, suffocated, with someone, with a place, with something, even with yourself, do not be afraid to trust the little voice in your head, and make the change you deserve. So what if it was a wrong move? If you weren't happy where you were in the first place, that place probably was not meant to be for you.

If it turns out to be a mistake, you need to make it to know it's a mistake.

Quoting my favorite sitcom of all times :

Ted: No, it's not an adventure, it's a mistake!
Lily: OK, yes it's a mistake. I know it's a mistake, but there are certain things in life where you know it's a mistake but you don't really know it's a mistake because the only way to really know it's a mistake is to make the mistake and look back and say 'yep, that was a mistake.' So really, the bigger mistake would be to not make the mistake, because then you'd go your whole life not knowing if something is a mistake or not.

Because don't settle for something less than you deserve, and sometimes, you just got to have faith and believe yourself when "You Just Know".

Once again, so much love for you guys who took the time to read my talkative thoughts.

Till next time,

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