Saturday, March 15, 2014

Mandatory introduction post.

Hey you!

So this is the first ever post of mine on this blog, and I am going to write a sort of, introductory post I guess? I realized a lot of bloggers, the blogs that I follow anyway, don't write an introduction post, but rather, they dive into the topics straight away. But for me, I feel a lil bit weird to not introduce myself and what this blog is going to be about, etc. It feels like entering first day of school without the whole awkward ice breaking/getting to know each other session. It's awkward but mandatory. :p

So I figure out that most people will not usually take the time to read long, lengthy paragraphs, especially by someone they don't know, so I am going to make this post a Q and A post. Yeah, the questions are asked by me as well. #Forever Alone

1. Who am I?
    My name is Emily, most of my close friends call me Em or Emi, I am 19 years old, and will turn
    20 this June. I am from Penang, Malaysia, the most beautiful place ever. I am 152cm, and is often
    known for my shortness. (Because God only allow things to grow till they are perfect, and I guess
    I just took a lil less time than others. HAHAHA!)I am currently studying my Psychology degree in
    UTAR. I love my course,and it can get stressful at times, and by stressful I mean, super-duper,
    nausea-inducing kinda stress, but if I ever get to choose my course again, I would never choose 
    something else. It's tough, but I am enjoying it. :)

2. Why is my blog called "Confessions of a Cili Padi"?
    Haha! Thinking about this makes me wanna laugh cause I used to get mega mad whenever anyone
    calls me "Cili Padi" when I was young. I have been called Cili Padi pretty often since young
    because of my small size and garang  won't be bullied/loud personality.I have always been small 
    in size compared to the people of my age. I was never the quiet one, or the damsel in distress. I
    don't mean to say I am those super loud and annoying people who makes loads of noise and 
    irritates the people around them. (but I do admit I sometimes am ) I am just the kind of person who
    as I said, won't be defeated easily, and I will fight for what I believe for even if it might result in
    certain circumstances.Yes, I am super duper awkward in certain social situations, ( actually the 
    awkward penguin in me only started after I entered uni, it's pretty weird ) but if I know you, then
    I will be my comfortable self and be well, the real person I am. So yeah, hence the name. 

3. Why do I choose to start a blog?
    I have started blogging since I was in Form 1, which was when I was 13, and I changed my blog to
    private at one point because I wanted to rant about more personal stuff. Recently, I have met with
    certain encounters that make me feel like blogging again, as in a public blog, where I can voice
    my views and share stuff.  Another thing, I realize I am those sort of people who find a need to 
    feel motivated and to have that drive, when I have purpose and goals in life. Yeah, academically
    I do have goals and purpose, but other than that, ever since my society's camp, I have been feeling
    a little bit empty. Academically I have been super busy with assignments and midterms, but other 
    than that, I feel I am not living my life fulfilling enough. Another reason to start a blog, to rant,
    share thoughts and live more fully so I can blog about it. Oh and maybe it's also cause I am a 
    narcissist prick.  :p

4. What will this blog be about?
    Well, basically...... ME?? HAHAHA *proving my narcissism* It's going to be about my thoughts 
     on certain stuff and sharing my life events that is happening around me. I guess it's going to be 
     about random stuff, sorta like writing loads of different stuff from my own perspective. 

So yeah, this is my introductory post, and without knowing it, I answered the questions with such lengthy answers (lengthy paragraphs that I was suppose to avoid!), and I hope I have not bore you out. I better stop now before you run away. Thanks so much for reading!

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