"Best friend is the one who makes you the best version of yourself, inspires you to do greatness, and believes in you even when you don't. "
I have always addressed Ming Han as my best friend since we became super close since Flag Day when we were in Form 1. (Yes, my best friend is a dude and I am a girl. and Yessss, its as platonic as it can get. :p ) As the years pass, I become even more sure of our friendship, and even until now, when we are in different places (I'm in Kampar, while he is in KL), we are still super close. We are not that kind of friends who constantly text or call, but each time when something bothers us, we would confide in each other, and sometimes we don't even contact each other throughout the semesters. But each time if we are back in Penang, or when we meet up, we can still talk like nothing has changed. And I am really, really grateful for this kind of friendship.
I know some people say that your best friend should be someone you marry and all, but aint it great if you can have someone else other than your bf/gf/wife/husband/partner to be a constant someone for you? Oh and also sometimes, best friends are in a different level with romantic partners. It does not mean that best friends are better or vice versa, but they are rather from different categories. Besides, when you fight with your partner, you need someone else to talk to, no? (HAHAHA!)

Anyways, last week, I met up with Ming Han for a drink (two drinks in fact) to talk and catch up. Well, this semester have been very stressful for me, and lets just say that I had a lot of obstacles and many things came up, which caused me a lot of frustration and negative feelings. So I was pouring out all my thoughts and frustrations regarding friends, work, preparing for internship etc etc. Somehow, Ming Han was able to make me feel super duper motivated, energized together with a sense of confidence that makes me believe I am capable of doing anything as long as I was determined, at the end of the night. I guess its because he is one who takes initiative to do what he is passionate about and is already making foundations for his future by gaining experience in his field of study.
So from a confused, unsure, insecure of the future person, I was suddenly so motivated to stop finding excuses for myself (although the fact that KL would definitely have more opportunities and chances compared to Kampar), I should actually DO SOMETHING for myself. If I want to improve myself as an emcee, then I should find more opportunities to gain experience. If I want to do my internship at good companies, then I should actually try for it. Suddenly everything became much clearer for me.
The simple thoughts to consider each time I want to do something : "Is it good/beneficial for me in most aspects? Do I want it badly enough? Am I willing to sacrifice for it? " If yes, then I should totally go for it! This can also be a solution to friendship problems, as in if those people are good for you, if the activities they do are good for you or makes you happy, then you should go for it. If not, don't waste your time or energy. Kinda the same theory. (But of course when it comes to friends, emotions and feelings will be involved.)
I know this post seems sort of "motivator wannabe" but in fact, I am just sharing the insight that I got from a good friend.
I have never felt so filled with motivation and inspiration like this in quite some time. This made me realized how much a good friendship can do to you. Good friendships are suppose to make you comfortable in your own skin, instead of forever trying to fit in. They are suppose to make you feel confident, and yet not proud (with their support and constructive feedback), instead of dejected and insecure. I am so grateful for that talk that day with Ming Han. It inspired me so much that on that night itself, I started to do my research on companies for internship. I believe that few hours of talk the other day has change me for the better. I am not sure how long this determination is going to last, but I am thankful it gave me a new insight as well as a push towards my goals. I also believe that as long as you keep GOOD friendships around you, you will always be able to make it through.
Thank you for the people around me that has always believed in me, or have always been there for me. The impact you guys have done to my life is wonderful.
Belated merry Christmas everyone. Be grateful and appreciate good friendships in your life.