I got my car, or more like I inherited my brother's car when he went to the States around August last year. So I have been driving in Kampar for about 8 months so far? Because in Kampar, most people cycle, and having a car means its an extra bonus. And before I owned a car, I always told myself, If I ever had a car in Kampar, I want to always be able to help provide transport or car pool or even just to fetch people when they need it, in my own means and ability of course.
But ever since I started driving, and owning a car, I realize there are so much ways and patterns people come out with when they "tumpang" (hitch a ride) your car! Before that, I have heard stories from my close friend, Yian Thin who has a car since she went to Kampar, about people treating her like a "driver" (without any pay of course) and taking for granted her good will of fetching them.
And after I got my car, I had to agree with her, and I realize so much little things matter to you from a person who sits in your car.
I would like to share some unwritten rules I think people should follow when you "tumpang" people's car. I like to call it "car ethics". It has also been an eye opener for me and I promise to try to be aware of it and not make the same mistakes when I am in another person's car.
Car Ethics (based on Emi's theory anyway) :
1. Say Thank You.
Back to basic. I know many people be like, "duhhhhh!" but you will be surprised how often people don't do say thank you. Remember no matter how small the favour is, but people who are willing to take you along in their car, deserves just the simplest form of gratitude. Don't take things for granted. It is not your friend's obligation to pick you up just because your house is on the way. Even if you pay someone to fetch you, it is still an effor/form of help. Just freaking say "Thank You". It ain't that hard.
2. Greet/Say hello to the driver/car owner.
Come on..... It is such a simple request. When you get into someone's car, greet the driver. Don't just step into the car silently, and step out silently. Even if you do not know the driver well, at least smile or nod, to acknowledge the existence of the driver. The car does not move on it's own and reach your destination automatically. You not acknowledging the driver is just plain rude.
3. Inform the driver if you need them to fetch your friend/relative/boyfriend/girlfriend or any extra persons.
1. Say Thank You.
Back to basic. I know many people be like, "duhhhhh!" but you will be surprised how often people don't do say thank you. Remember no matter how small the favour is, but people who are willing to take you along in their car, deserves just the simplest form of gratitude. Don't take things for granted. It is not your friend's obligation to pick you up just because your house is on the way. Even if you pay someone to fetch you, it is still an effor/form of help. Just freaking say "Thank You". It ain't that hard.
2. Greet/Say hello to the driver/car owner.
Come on..... It is such a simple request. When you get into someone's car, greet the driver. Don't just step into the car silently, and step out silently. Even if you do not know the driver well, at least smile or nod, to acknowledge the existence of the driver. The car does not move on it's own and reach your destination automatically. You not acknowledging the driver is just plain rude.
3. Inform the driver if you need them to fetch your friend/relative/boyfriend/girlfriend or any extra persons.
If you need the driver to fetch someone else as well, let them know beforehand. This is manners and it is also important because the driver might be fetching other people as well. Asking right before you go into their car is a last resort, but never, never ever have someone else conveniently hop into the car without informing. Even if the other person is a friend of the driver. Because the driver is expecting you alone to hop into their car, not you and your boyfriend's mum's aunty's dog's owner's husband's sister as well.
4. Don't "tumpang" a person's car if you don't like the person ( UNLESS IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS).
If you dislike the car owner/driver, just don't tumpang their car. Don't be such a two faced plastic. It's fake, and everyone knows you are just being a hypocrite for the sake of your own convenience. It is ALWAYS hard for the driver to outright reject any requests for fetching people, so if you know they don't like you or vice versa, just don't ask and make things awkward. Ask someone else. Or if you really have no choice, find other form of transportation. Unless there is an emergency situation where you got no choice and you urgently need transport. I repeat, this does not include emergency situations!
5. Don't kutuk (criticize) the car or the driver's driving skills.
5. Don't kutuk (criticize) the car or the driver's driving skills.
NEVER do this. Unless you are like super close with the driver. Even so, do it in a nice way. Nobody likes to be criticized by someone they are doing a favor for. If the car is too old/too hot/too crammed for you, don't get on. Nobody needs to hear your complains about their car. The driving skills of the driver is known by the driver themselves. Yes, you can remind them, "Car beside!" , "Careful!", etc. But don't kutuk in a mean way. Your sarcasm about people's driving skills are kept inside your own mind. The driver does not have to hear it. It adds stress and tension to the driver, and you hurt their feelings.
These are a few basic car ethics I think people should try to follow. I know I sound so "high and mighty" just because I have a car, but that is not what I am trying to imply. Understand that those that drive you around are just doing you a little favor. Don't take people's help for granted. Including the closest people around you.And trust me, a little "thank you" from you means a lot to the person who fetch you. :)
P/S This is the first real post and I am still not very good at the "illustrations" yet. But I thought just a whole post of words are gonna bore people out. :p